
Lip Asymmetry

Lip asymmetry is very common and most of which goes unnoticed. However, as we lose volume, and muscle strength changes between each side of the face, these asymmetries become more noticeable.

To counter these issues volume can be returned to the lip and it’s surrounding tissues, and the muscles can be relaxed to reduce the pulling that exacerbates the asymmetry.


We can improve volume loss with dermal fillers.

And we can improve and reduce excessive muscle pulling using muscle relaxing injections.

Treatment areas
& features

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Questions & Answers

Yes, dermal fillers are great for improving the asymmtry caused by a cleft lip. We do recommend coming in for a consultation to review the scar tissue prior to proceeding with the treatment.
If this is caused my the muscles that move the corner of the mouth, we cannot treat these as this can cause a facial droop. We recommedn coming in for an assessment first to see exactly which muscles are causing the problem and if there is an elemnet of volume loss that is also contributing to the issue.
3D lipo-ultimatepro
zo skin health
3D lipo-ultimatepro
zo skin health