Laser thread vein removal

Laser thread vein removal

Facial thread veins, or spider veins will present themselves as a small gathering of fine lines that can look red, blue or purple in colour. They are commonly found on the face and legs, but can develop anywhere on the body. Broken blood vessels on the face can develop in anyone at any age, but some people may have a higher chance of developing them than others.


Facial and leg thread veins can appear as though they’re permenant and won’t disappear with treatment, however, with an effective treatment like laser, a targetted treatment to the veins can be very effective.

Getting rid of thread veins is a pretty straight forward procedure. We recommend booking in for a consultation and test patch, before booking in for the treatment.

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Laser thread vein removal

Can I remove facial thread veins?

Can I remove facial thread veins?

If you're wondering if anything can be done for facial thread veins, the answer is yes.


Appointment duration

30-60 minutes

Treatment Suitable For

Facial and Leg Thread Vein

Treatment Course


Anaesthetic Required


Treatment Risks

Blistering, or crusting

Expected Side Effects

Redness, swelling, tenderness, skin sensitivity

Skin Preparation

No tanning for 4 weeks prior to treatment

What causes thread veins to appear?

What causes thread veins to appear?

Some causes of broken blood vessels on the face include, genes, sun exposure, changes in the weather, changes in the pressure, pregnancy, environmental irritants, rosacea, alcohol consumption and injuries.

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Questions & Answers

We don't recommend this treatment for varicous veins, or for leg veins if you have varicous veins present in the area.
Yes, they can resolve and disappear on their own, but this depends on the cause of them appearing in the first place.
You may need 1 to 3 treatments, depending on the severity of the thread veins that are present and also depending on the final result that you would like to achieve.
Facial thread veins can be removed with a variety of different treatments, such as diathermy, IPL and Laser. We offer diathermy and laser here at The Sugar Box Clinic, however, the most effective method is laser.
IPL can be effective on facial threads veins, as it contains a wavelength of light that will target the vein. However, it also contains other wavelengths of light that aren’t necessary for the treatment. In comparison, laser contains one targeted wavelength of light and is highly effective at treating facial thread veins. The laser light is directed at the unwanted veins, causing them to heat up extremely quickly; they then break down and collapse in on themselves. The process is called photothermolysis.
Yes, laser has been proven to be safe and very effective for thread veins. In order to ensure we keep you safe during the treatment, we give you protective eye wear to wear. For leg thread veins, our laser filtering googles can be worn, however, for the face, metal eye shields are worn during the treatment.
We have Class 4 Hospital Grade Lasers. We use the Candela Gentle Max 1064nm laser to treat leg and facial thread veins.
We are regulated by Health Inspectorate Wales, which is a requirement in Wales to own and offer Laser services.
This very much depends on your pain threshold. In order to help combat the heat of the treatment, our machine has a built in cryogen gas that sprays and cools the skin, milliseconds before and after the treatment.
Due to the cool spray, clients often say it feels like a cold spray on the face, as the speed of each shot is so fast, that the laser and the cryogen spray feel as though it all happens at the same time.
The prices start from £100 and depends on the size of the treatment area. We recommend coming in for a consultation and test patch for an accurate price prior to starting your treatment.
The side effects that we expect to happen are redness, swelling, inflammation and itching. These reduce by the following day and are not expected to be prolonged.
The risks are rare, and with the care of your skin prior to and after your treatment will help to minimise these risks from happening. These can be mini burns to the skin, blistering or crusting, which can result in hyperpigmentation (darker skin) or hypopigmentation (loss of colour in the skin).
The recommend gap time is 8 weeks. You'll need to ensure your skin colour doesn't change and get darker in that time or that your medication isn't likely to change. These can cause delays to your treatment and another test patch may be required.
A test patch and consultation can be booked in online via our website or via our app, or you can call us directly on 01633 462083.
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